How do I come to this revelation? It's simple. I watched the waiting game so many times in Louis' short life. I watched him wonder many times while in the hospital. I wondered for him sometimes hour by hour in the young days of his life.
When Louis was about four years old he told me a story. We had just moved to New Orleans and we're still unpacking. The television was set up and some show came on talking about out of body experiences. Louis turned to me and said, "I did that." "You did what?" I answered. "I came out of my body." "Oh baby, you didn't." "Yes mommy, when I had surgery." "The man in white came and held my hand and said I couldn't go with him, it wasn't time." I stood there with my mouth opened and had no reply. He was talking honestly and forthright to me. He was absolutely positive, I could see it in his eyes. I went over to him and gave him a quick hug, a tear in my eye. "Why are you crying, mommy?" I answered, "I'm not, I love you, my baby, I love you."
I turned off the television and sent him to play in his new room. His big sister Celena was by his side as always and later she asked me, "What was Louis talking about, mommy? "I'm not sure baby, I'm not sure." "We can't worrry about it." I gave her a hug and said, "Do you like you're new room?" She smiled at me and skipped off to play with her brother.
God meets us, even when we're young. He's always there with us, every single day of our life in the beginning and the end forever and through eternity. His word tells us that He never leaves us. He's there beside us, guiding us and holding our hand. He's so real, so defining that even small children remember the experience.
That was a day I never can forget, can't get out of my mind even so many years later. Why because God wants me to remember that He was there with Louis, through surgery, through any indecision he might have felt through that experience. He was there holding his hand and guiding him to where he needed to be at that moment, comforting him and speaking to him. I have comfort when I think of that experience because I know when the circle of life on this earth came to the fullness that Louis was comforted by the fact that God was there with him. I'm sure that his hand was being held and guided towards his next journey. He was there with him that day in surgery an He's there with him now.
May all our experiences in life be comforted with the fact that we are not alone! I rest in that thought every day, through the trials of life and it brings me peace, peace, peace.
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