Saturday, May 5, 2012


What is it about Morning that makes me think of Louis?  What is it about morning that makes me think about the day, the day's events?  Morning is peaceful to me.  It takes away any bad memories that I might have about the later in the day events and how tired I am in the evening.

Morning is the time that I love to share my personal inner feelings with God.  Not that he needs me to share my most inner thoughts because after all He is God and the bible says he knows everything about me even the number of hairs on my head.  Believe me at sixty years old those are definitely dwindling and so He has less to count.  Anyhoo, morning is my time.  The time that does not belong to any other person, the people that live with me, my employer or the traffic on the freeway.  I use this time to rejuvenate, to think on the good things of the day, the wonderful blessings I've been afforded.  For someone else you might do your best thinking in the car, or at your lunch time or even in the evening before you go to sleep.

I use morning to put me in the pink of the day, to erase the blue that fills my heart when I choose to wander to unhappy memories.  Those unhappy memories are ones that I try to replenish with better memories.  Yes even after twenty six years I can still go to those unhappy places, but today, this morning I choose to go to the better place, the place of the pink morning, the serene happy heart and the best memories of him.  Those are the memories that I wish to embed in my daily life, the ones that bring a smile to my face and put joy in my heart. 

I like pink, that's why I chose the color for my blog.   I hope when you see it you will think of a happy thought, a time when you can erase something, anything that brings you less joy.  I'm the only one that can do it.  You can't do it for me.  Erase the blue and replace it with the pink!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Pink Day.


  1. Absolutely gorgeous!

    My Pink, have a great weekend!

  2. Very beautiful! It would be fun to see in person. Happy Pink Saturday!

  3. I love all the touches of pink!

    Happy pink Saturday, Happy Derby Day and ¡Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

    Please stop by and enter my celebrate spring/moms giveaway.

  4. Wow, what an amazing shot there, absolutely stunning. A belated happy pink saturday to you (pink is very healing for the heart) x

  5. This photo reminds me of a visit to Marco Island, FL. Everything we took picture of had a pink cast to it like your photo here... not Photoshop-ed either. One of those fluke-y things. Hope you had a great Pink Saturday!
