Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sharing the Word from A Mother's Heart

I started this blog to help myself and others heal through the power of the word.  If you've ever had a loss in your life, a child, a spouse or a loved one, a friend you know what I'm talking about.  During the blog I will attempt to bring you through my story, the loss of a child.  Knowing and loving your child for nine short years and having to give him up to an illness you have no control over is devastating.  I hope that my story will prompt someone out there to also write their story and to help you to solve some of your own questions.

I remember some of the words that people have spoken to me in the past that we're less than comforting.  My wish for you as you read this blog and consider buying my book is that my words will somehow be comforting.  If they are not than I apologize up front.  Everyone can find something decearning about what someone else says if they want to.  I remember once that a pastor that I had just met said something to me that I took great offense to.  Later, after I got to know him better I understood what he was trying to tell me.  At the moment I wasn't very happy with his response.  Years later there was a good deal of validity to what he expressed to me that day, I just wasn't ready to hear it. 

If anything I say startles, confuses, or makes you angry don't be surprised.  You may not be ready to receive it in this moment.  Just tuck it away and take it out later on, sometime in the future and reexamine it at that time.  Things may look differently then, just like it did for me oh, I don't know five or ten years later.  You can't know how much time it will take for you to see a little piece of reality.  Be patient with yourself, you are not alone.

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